The glass building that happens to be a department store is where Mozart died. Dying while shopping couldn't be that bad of a way to go...
There's also a monument of him.
Of course there is also Mozart cafe, which is the place to go after an Opera, since it is the only place open besides maybe Mcy D's
I also took a picture of my dinner that was a lettuce salad with potato salad type thing on top and then chicken on top of that. I have come to find that most of the chicken here is breaded. The picture makes it look gross, but the whole thing really was not that bad.
We also visited the cemetary where Mozart was buried. He was buried in a mass grave, so no one really knows where he was buried, but a hundred years after he was buried the groundskeeper of the cemetery decided to make a memorial thing for him, so he took the parts of other grave places and made one where he thinks Mozart is. It was by far the coolest cemetary I have been too and the gravestones were all big and cool and some were covered in ivory.
After visiting all the Mozart sites we went to the outreach center which is just the church institute building and had some waffles which were delicious and hung out. The cutest elderly couple made the waffles for us and were really nice.
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